
We need your help!

The Red Door in conjunction with SL Sorority Phi Rho Epsilon (PhiRe) and SL Fraternity Alpha Chi Sigma (AXS) (a combined Greek family known as AOP which reaches out beyond SL to RL circumstances to help families in need) is asking for your support in an important cause.

In the wake of recent events, we are raising funds for the victims of Haiti. 100% of funds raised are forwarded to YELE HAITI EARTHQUAKE FUND!

PurpleMoon has donated an original one-of-a-kind design to auction: Monique. Active bidding has begun! 10K Already!!!

For early bidding join “THE RED DOOR” on Moolto.com (http://moolto.ning.com/group/thereddoor) and RSVP to the event FIERCEnFASHION CHARITY FASHION AUCTION
You can send your bids to Cleopatra Kellman in a NC ONLY named (FNF EARLY BID - Your Name & Name of Fit). All updates will go out through the events! Final bidding is at the event on February 27th @ 11am SLT.

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